DELUXEWARE Short Length Sweat Shirt

Hello everyone! Barn Stormer here.

Short length sweat shirts have arrived from DELUXEWARE.


Stock No. S103-P

Price: 14520 yen

Color: Blue ivory

It’s pretty tight fitting so that you can put it underneath an outer outfit.

I fell in love with this one when I saw it in the exhibition.

The combination of a pale blueish body and navy ribs is pretty rare to find.

Color: Blue black

Such an elegant color combination!

The color of ribs fit into the body color.

Color: Heather gray

Orthodox gray combination!

Color: Purple red

When you look at it, you might think “It’s not my color.”,

but when you put it on, it might look good on you.

You’ll never know until you try.

Check our website for online shopping

Until next time…


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