Pherrow’s Big Ben Lumber CO. T-shirt

Hello everyone! Barn Stormer here.

Big Ben lumber co. T-shirts have arrived from Pherrow’s.


Stock No. 19S-PT16

Price: 4860 yen

Color: White

What a cute guy he is!

An expanded waistline, short and fat limbs…

He shows no expression, but he is so winsome thanks to his figure.


Color: Black


Color: Dark green

When we look at it closely, you can see some cracks on the print.

The white color is not a stain print but a rubber print.

It will crack after wearing and washing it for a while.

How do you like Mr. Logger?

Bring him home with you!

Of course, I can send him to your home!! lol

Check our website for online shopping

Until next time…


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